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中華電子佛典協會(CBETA) 「2004電子佛典成果發表」 (漢文 / English) 敬啟者: 中華電子佛典協會(CBETA)自一九九八年二月十五日成立以來,即致力於漢文佛典電子化的工作,轉眼已屆滿六年,感謝各界的鼎力協助與扶持。 敝會於二月十五日CBETA成立滿六週年時,公開最新的電子佛典成果。特別準備了新發行的CBETA電子佛典集成光碟 ISO 映像檔,亟盼您能下載幫忙測試,並提供您寶貴的意見,以便我們作為下一版更新的參考,以利益大眾。感謝您的協助與長期來的指導。 本次成果發表主要的內容,除了改善原先《大正藏》電子版的校勘(第一至五十五卷與第八十五卷)外,並新增十卷《卍續藏經》史傳部.禪宗(第七十八卷至第八十七卷)電子版。同時,為提供更好更方便的瀏覽環境,CBETA首次推出自行研發的CBReader,內含CBETA經錄、經錄搜尋、經文搜尋、快速選取、引用複製以及多項讀經工具及功能。 謹此與您同享敝會的成果,藉此回顧過去,展望未來,更希望能夠得到您的寶貴意見,以作為我們四月份正式發行的改進參考! 感謝所有促成佛典電子化諸因緣。 耑此敬頌 時祺 中華電子佛典協會(CBETA) 2004年2月15日
參考資料: http://www.cbeta.org/cd/index.htm 光碟 ISO 映像檔下載位置:(檔案大小:582,836,224 KB) http://w3.cbeta.org/iso/cbeta_cd11.iso
(CBETA 主站)
February 15, 2004. Announcement of the 2004 CBETA Latest Releasing It is our honor to announce that The Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association (CBETA) presents the latest version of its Electronic Tripitaka in celebration of the sixth anniversary of its founding on February 15, 2004. The major achievement of this new version is the integration of the text-critical notes of the Taisho Tripitaka, with the first release of 10 volumes of Xuzangjing (also known as Zokuzokyo, the Supplement to the Manji Canon), in using the Text Encoding Initiative's (TEI) XML based markup. In addition to the above, this release it is not only of the texts itself, but also of new environments, new applications and tools for better accessing them. Therefore, the newly released CBReader has various functions such as Catalogues of CBETA e-Tripitaka, Catalogue Search, Text Search, Citation and Goto Selection etc. Please try to visit our website at http://www.cbeta.org to download the ISO image file of the CD-ROM for the purpose of testing, and please give us your valuable testing report or comments in return. After careful revising, a release of a further developed version to a broader audience is planned for the second half of this year.Updated versions will also be available at the CBETA website at http://www.cbeta.org. Sincerely thanks to those who made it possible to produce the electronic version. Yours in the Dharma, Bhikkhu Huimin
Director, Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association about : http://www.cbeta.org/cd/index.htm download CBETA CD 11 : (size: 582,836,224 KB) http://w3.cbeta.org/iso/cbeta_cd11.iso